Nyugati Hírlevél

87. szám
2006. május 1.


      Until the grave covers me, on foreign soil
      I shall remain Hungarian
      Hungarian folk song
      Because this fat old lady
      has exactly the voice
      of my dead grandma,
      I find myself
      trailing her through the supermarket
      as she complains to her friend
      about the Blacks, the kids, the prices,
      age, disease, and certain death,
      and I­m seduced
      by that Hungarian accent
      decades in this country can­t diminish,
      and I see the smoky fires
      of the harvesters, a golden-braided girl
      fetching their dinners of peppers and lamb,
      and I follow her
      through the aisles,
      wanting to lay my face
      between her hands,
      to ask her for a song.
      Collected Poems az Autumn House kiadásában

© Nyugati Hírlevél - 2006